We are a vibrant fabric shop in British Columbia, Canada. We strive to carry top quality quilting fabrics and supplies, so you can be confident in the quality of your order.


Mikel Platt: I am the creative force behind this whole company. I learned to sew at a very young age, starting with beanbags, cushions, and hair scrunchies before moving up to sewing clothing for school classes and 4H. My mother took me to my first quilting class when I was 13, and I immediately fell in love with quilting. Over the next couple decades, I made many quilts for friends and family, and even a few for myself. (Why is it that no matter how many quilts I make for my household, there is never an unclaimed one for me to snuggle in to watch a movie? Between kids and cats, even with 6 quilts on the couch, there is a serious shortage of quilts in my house!) After working in several quilt shops over the years, with the help of my wonderful husband, I am finally opening my own fabric shop!

Joshua Platt: I am the business brain behind Kingdom Quilts. After earning my Masters of Business, it was time to go into business for ourselves. Since my wife is passionate about quilting, a fabric shop was the logical choice. While I myself don’t sew, I grew up with a sewing and quilting mother, then married a quilter and also gained a quilting mother-in-law. No matter where I look I’m surrounded by fabric so I figured we might as well start a business to help other desperate husbands encourage their wive’s addictions without decimating their retirement funds. With that being said, I should be able to retire at 75 but at least we will have a hundred quilts to keep us warm.


The quality of your starting materials is so important. There is nothing quite so discouraging as pouring hours and hours into a project just to have it fail from poor quality materials. Therefore, it is my promise to you that I will only carry brands and products that I myself would be confident using. As we are a relatively new shop, we are starting with a small, carefully selected inventory, and will build it up as quickly as we can. Our first supplier is Northcott, whose slogan is: Cotton that feels like silk. This is true! I love using Northcott fabrics. They are soft and silky, colours are saturated and true, with a steady even weave.

Our fabrics are stored, cut, and shipped from our home. We have three young children, three cats, and a black lab. While the animals are not allowed where the fabric is kept, their hair often gets on my clothes which can get transferred to your fabric as I cut and package it. If you have a pet allergy, it would be a good idea to wash your fabric when you first receive it.

Our fabric is priced and cut according to half meters. So if you put, for example, a quantity of 1 at $8 in your cart, you will receive one half meter piece and be charged $8 (plus tax and shipping). If you want a full meter, put a quantity of 2 in your cart. You will receive one piece of fabric that is one meter in length, not two half meter pieces. A quantity of 4 will give you a 2m piece, etc. Panels are sold as complete panels of course. If you need a certain number of repeats in your fabric - for projects such as Stack’n’Whack, One Block Wonders, Four Patch Posies - please email me. I will measure the exact repeat and we will figure out how much to buy for your project.