The Journey Home Panel

The Journey Home Panel


In light of the recent traumatic events that have unfolded at former Residential Schools across Canada, Karen Erickson created 'Every Child Matters' out of reverence to those grieving. This painting depicts two siblings who were finally set free after being grimly discovered at a Residential School.

The children who are shown holding hands were torn apart from each other,  but now reunited as they make their way back home. Karen included beautiful imagery such as a moon and feathers to represent the First Nations, Inuit and Metis people joining together to guide the two siblings home.

Karen Erickson is a self taught Métis artist from Prince George, BC. Please check out her work on her Facebook page by searching Hummingbear Cree-ations.

This Panel is a mini panel at 21” x 26.5”. There are two panels per width of fabric. Sold by the panel.

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